Home » » Wolverine Episode 8

Wolverine Episode 8

Written By mistablog on Sunday, January 2, 2011 | 5:16 AM

Plot Summary: Next in the four-part Marvel Anime project and broadcasts after the Iron Man anime. Wolverine is a mutant, possessing animal-keen senses, enhanced psychical capabilities, three retracting bone claws on each hand and a healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any wound, disease or toxin at a accelerated rate.

Some time after Meg and Jo left the city where they first met, they return despite having sworn to never again grace (or curse) the city with their presence. It's the birthday of mute little Shirley, Jo's favorite among the orphans she and Meg once hung out with, and the two visitors are determined to bring her a present. Perpetually broke though they are, they manage to scrape together enough dough to make the purchase and head to meet her, and wouldn't you know it, the world being the nasty old place it is, Shirley has been hospitalized. The little lady was in the wrong place at a bad time and ended up victim to an indiscriminate slasher who has been terrorizing the poorer districts of the city. And so the slasher ends up with two very bad girls (okay, one very bad girl and one useless wimp) on his tail, and unfortunately for him, nothing gets Jo's ire up like folks who pick on the weak.

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